Lee Shephard, 1963 – 2016

The beer judging community is saddened to learn of the passing of Lee Shephard, 53, of Alameda, CA, after an unfair struggle with a rare, aggressive neuroendocrine cancer. Lee was a Master judge who judged almost 100 competitions (including 23 best of show panels) over almost two decades and volunteered his time as an exam administrator, proctor, and instructor to aspiring judges. We will also remember him as an award-winning homebrewer, festival organizer, volunteer wrangler, Brewing Network podcaster, drinking buddy, mentor, and friend.

It’s hard to overemphasize how much Lee taught so many people. Drinking a beer with Lee, you paid more attention. His BJCP classes were epic, unpaid labors of love full of hard science, tough love mixed with consistent encouragement, and extensive handwritten comments. Whenever he sat down at a judging table, both his fellow judges and the homebrewer up for critique were going to come out smarter. Unlike many brewers at his level, he was patient with newbies, generous with advice, and nonjudgmental of your learning curve.

Lee was smart yet humble, sarcastic but kind, hardworking and funloving, discerning yet forgiving, and liked by goddamn everyone. Raise a glass to him, and consider brewing an imperial stout in his honor.

Eulogy by Jen Meuhlbauer