Aroma A prominent to intense hop aroma with a citrusy, floral, perfume-like, resinous, piney, and/or fruity character derived from American hops. Many versions are dry hopped and can have an […]
6D. American Wheat or Rye Beer
Aroma Low to moderate grainy wheat or rye character. Some malty sweetness is acceptable. Esters can be moderate to none, although should reflect American yeast strains. The clove and banana […]
23. Specialty Beer
This is explicitly a catch-all category for any beer that does not fit into an existing style category. No beer is ever “out of style” in this category, unless it […]
2. Styles Sorted Using 2008 Guidelines (Modified)
This system uses the 2008 categories with the nearest equivalent beer styles from the 2015 guidelines. New styles introduced in the 2015 guidelines have been added to the (subjectively determined) […]
1. Styles Sorted Using 2008 Categories (Strict)
This system uses the 2008 categories with the equivalent beer styles from the 2015 guidelines. Any 2015 style not present in the 2008 guidelines is categorized as a Category 23 […]