The BJCP board has appointed Andrew Melchers for the role of Communications Director. Andrew steps into the role from Dennis Mitchell, who maintained the position while also acting as BJCP […]
The BJCP board has appointed Andrew Melchers for the role of Communications Director. Andrew steps into the role from Dennis Mitchell, who maintained the position while also acting as BJCP […]
More2023 Elections The four regions listed below are holding elections for Regional Representatives in 2023. Judges may self-nominate or be nominated by other active judges from their region. If you […]
MoreThe BJCP released the 2021 version of the Beer Style Guidelines in December 2021. At that time, the principle author and BJCP President Emeritus Gordon Strong provided an overview of […]
More12/15/2022 Update: Thanks to the 20+ members who responded to this call for help for Assistant IT Directors! We are working through screening the inquiries and will be in touch […]
MoreMembers, During the uncertainty and height of the pandemic, the BJCP paused enforcement of the activity requirements to maintain active judge status, notifying members that we would give them ample […]