Max Finnance
Greetings Fellow North East Judges!
It has been a busy summer of judging beers for the Northeast region, and we’re looking forward to an even busier autumn.
Assistant Rep. Katie Sloan and I both made the trip to San Diego to judge the NHC final round, a great trip which was made even sweeter when she and several fellow members of the New York City Homebrewer’s Guild were on hand to accept the 2023 Gambrinus Club Award. (pictured) Congrats to all members of the NYC Homebrewer’s Guild!
A heartfelt congratulations are also in order for Assistant Rep. Jay Hersh, who advanced to Grandmaster II in July. Jay has been a BJCP member for 36 years, also serves as an Assistant Exam Director, and previously served as an Exam Director. His contributions to the BJCP have been many, and this advancement is well deserved.
The summer saw several local opportunities for judging, including the first revitalization of the MASH Beer Trials in CT, a well-run competition and always a great sign for our hobby to see new competitions emerging and old ones being resurrected. The fall has many competitions on the calendar, and is probably the busiest season of the year for judging in the Northeast. Of particular note is the Brew Slam competition in Toronto on the weekend of 10/27. Brew Slam is the largest homebrew competition in Canada, and a great excuse to visit Toronto for an exceptionally well-run competition that looks for ways to improve the judge experience year after year. One cool feature of this competition is that they host an annual celebrity guest judge who joins as many judging pairs as possible through a speed dating type format, Annie Johnson will be this year’s guest Judge of Honor. Assistant Rep. Eric Cousineau is one of the organizers of Brew Slam, and he has been working tirelessly to make sure this is the best Brew Slam yet.
I hope to see as many of you as possible as I’m making the rounds judging this fall, but please reach out if you have any questions or concerns for the Northeast region.
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Marek Kaminski
- The number of BJCP sanctioned competitions in the area continues to grow year-on-year with the entry-size of competitions also increasing.
- The BJCP sanctioned African Beer Cup was held in April with a number of international judges ( It was followed by BeerEx Africa with Sam Calagione, among other speakers.
- The number of BJCP sanctioned competitions also continues to grow in South Africa, with several competitions this year. Most commercial beer festivals have one, and many homebrew club festivals as well.
- The Great British Beer Festival (GBBF), curated by CAMRA and held annually in London has now run their own competition for the second year running. The next task will be to get more BJCP judges represented there and get them adopt the guidelines.
- The BJCP sanctioned Intervarsity Brewing Competition will be held in October in South Africa. The idea for the competition is that students brew their own beer for a competition between universities.
- The number of exams is also going strong with new exam locations in Slovakia, Finland and Bulgaria among others. We are currently in talks to expand tasting exams to more new locations in the area.
- Apart from numerous beer tasting exams, one of the first cider and mead tasting exams in the area were held in Poland this year. The written proficiency exam, which took place in February in Poland, gathered five candidates. The next written exam is scheduled in Spain in October.
- The June 18th tasting exam in Zaragoza was probably the first one in the area with more than 50% of the participants being women.
- Tasting exams are scheduled for South Africa this year and next year. Based on interest estimations, 1-2 exams per year is the right number for South Africa now.
- In the UK there had been a tail-off of people wanting to study to become a judge, but the recent course run by London Amateur Brewers had 29 sign up for it! As a result there will be at least two more tasting exams in the UK next year.
Other activities:
- SIBA (The Society of Independent Brewers in the UK) has adopted BJCP guidelines for the majority of their commercial competitions.
- Ariel Caballero is speaking with the Beer Sommeliers and Beer Tasters association in Spain on possible collaboration areas including study trips to Galicia and Franconia.
- The Beer Boot Camp was held in August in South Africa with Gordon Strong, among other speakers.
Fred Mullner
There has been a ton of activity over the past few months in the Mid-Atlantic region! This edition of the newsletter brings us updates from New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania as well as a feature on the James River Homebrew Club of Richmond, Virginia, and their 30th annual Dominion Cup.
New Jersey
It was just confirmed that the Garden State Homebrewers have secured their fourth consecutive New Jersey Homebrew Club of the Year title with an exclamation point (the standings speak for themselves I suppose). A portion of that success was bolstered by some amazing individual performances in the recent NJ State Fair, such as Dave Grosch medaling with all FIVE of his allowed entries (and a 2nd BOS), and three additional members securing FOUR medals each. However, by and large almost every member of the club that had any entries in secured some hardware. This repeated success has energized many members to pursue judging.
The Midnight Homebrewers’ League in Westminster, Maryland will be conducting the annual Maryland Microbrewery Festival Homebrew Competition on Saturday, September 30, 2023. The Competition takes place in the morning on the grounds of the Maryland Microbrewery Festival at Union Mills Homestead, in Westminster, Maryland. This year the Competition will feature all American beer styles. The winning homebrewer’s recipe will be scaled up and brewed for commercial sales by Brewery Fire in Taneytown, Maryland.
The Competition registration site is open for Entry and Judge/Steward registration:
The Competition is limited to 100 entries, to allow all entries to be judged in one easy morning session, so that everyone can enjoy the festival in the afternoon. The Midnight Homebrewers’ League provides free breakfast and lunch to all volunteers, and Judges and Stewards receive free admission to the Festival. Judge solicitation emails have not gone out yet, but will be sent soon.
ALEiens Homebrew Club will be hosting Monk Melee XIII, a Belgian only Style BJCP sanctioned competition open to everyone. Brewers can enter into the following 2021 BJCP Categories; 23 – European Sour Ale; 24 – Belgian Ale; 25 – Strong Belgian Ale; 26 – Monastic Ale.
Typically the competition sees between 50 to 100 entries with ~12 BJCP Certified Judges scoring the beers (some of the most decorated in the world!). Last year in our PRO AM, Jordan Sanches’ Belgian Trappist Single was selected, brewed and served at Broken Goblet Brewing. The competition always has top prizes like a Spike stainless steel fermenter, Micro Matic Taps, and Blichmann beer guns.
Registration Opens Aug 31, 2023 and closes Nov 19, 2023. Entries can be dropped off at Neshaminy Creek Brewing, Keystone Homebrew Supply, or the ALEiens Nov 28, 2023 meeting at the Hulmeville Inn.
Judging will be in person and held on Dec 2, 2023 at Broken Goblet Brewing. Whether you have entries or not, swing by around 2 PM on Dec 2 for the final results and taste some beers. All are welcome! The Official Monk Melee XV registration can be found here.
Aug 15 Release of LIGHTNING LAGER at Iron Hill North Wales
Kyle Maurer of Iron Hill North Wales selected Doug Klumpp’s War of the Worts Best of Show Heaven or Helles as the IRON HILL Pro Am winner. Kyle and Doug brewed the beer and it is on tap at Iron Hill North Wales as of Aug 15, 2023 labeled Lightning Lager. Stop by for a pint!
If it is gone before you get some, you can join the ALEiens Homebrew Club at their Sept 26, 2023 OKTOBERFEST meeting @ the Hulmeville Inn where the beer will be poured!
The ALEiens host an Oktoberfest party with authentic German food and beer open to all to attend.
Big Brew Day 2023
The ALEiens participated in Big Brew Day shifting one day to May 7, 2023. About 15 of the club’s brewers assembled at Iron Hill Newtown to brew. The club had a stash of hops to select from and Pete Corbett of Iron Hill provided Kveik, Mexican Lager, and Chico yeast. Brewers could brew any style using the yeast and hops provided. Not only did Pete pick the winner but Tom Cassidy’s Black IPA was also the unanimous crowd favorite. Tom’s beer will be brewed and served at IRON HILL Newtown later this year expecting to be tapped early 2024.
For those of you who like mead
Valhalla The Meading of Life Mead competition will be held at Artifice Ales & Mead in Manheim on November 18th this year.
More Philadelphia!
Assistant Representative Andy Hejl brings us this:
It’s the slow summer season around here. Not too terribly much to report. A number of our local PA, NJ, MD judges made the long trek across the country to San Diego for Homebrewcon and judging the final round of NHC. A number of our classic fall competitions are actively looking for more judges – Motown Mash, Malt Madness (shifted to October), Stoney Creek Homebrewers, and our mead competition Valhalla (with a new organizer and running in November). Reminder to any judges in the greater Philadelphia area who are interested in taking a written exam to contact Andy Hejl ([email protected]) who is happy to arrange a quarterly written exam site. Dates for late 2023 and all of 2024 are on the exam calendar.
The 151 Brew Club out of Afton, Virginia, had a great showing at the 30th annual Dominion Cup Competition, held August 12 in Richmond. Several members of the club served as judges and stewards, helping competition organizers assess 475 entries. Club members also submitted beers for the competition, and member Nancy Johnson took home a Gold Medal for her “Boo Woo Blonde” Blonde Ale (18A).
Northern Virginia/DC
The GRiST club of Arlington, VA, is holding their 5th Annual NoVA Classic (2021 BJCP Guidelines) on Saturday, November 4, 2023.
There is also a sub-competition as part of the NoVA Classic (for the John Lyon Award) where only military veterans, dependents, and family members of veterans can submit beers that will be judged against each other based on the BJCP 2021 Style Guidelines. All money is donated to VFW John Lyon Post 3150 (Arlington, VA).
Competition will be on Saturday, Nov 4, 2023 in northern Virginia around the Chantilly-Manassas-Herndon-Reston area. Beer registration ($12.92 per beer), volunteer to be a Judge or Steward —
30th Annual Dominion Cup
The James River Homebrewers of Richmond, Virginia, hosted the 30th Annual Dominion Cup August 8-12, 2023.
116 participating brewers entered 475 beers, ciders and meads. More than 75 volunteers – judges, stewards and administrative – provided services over the six first round judging sessions and the Best of Show.
This year the Dominion Cup used electronic score sheets for the first time. Paper score sheets also were made available. More than 90% of the judges chose to go the electronic route. Most used laptops or tablets; some successfully used their phones. The electronic judging went well, with a few hiccups. For example, refreshing one’s screen in the middle of judging a beer clears what’s been entered causing the judge to start over. Power strips were made available for those judges who needed power. All the venues provided robust Wi-Fi, which certainly helped in collecting the data during and after each round.
The Dominion Cup for Best of Show – Beer was won by Paul Ward, Vic Orlando, Brent Mattingly and Dan Cooper of the Band of Media Brewers (BOMB) from Media PA with their Old Ale (17B) Frankenbrew.
The Best of Show – Mead/Cider was won by Ben Cunningham of the James River Homebrewers with his Stone Fruit Mead (M2D) Peach Mead.
The Plato Award for the most 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes in the first round was won by Tony Kulas of the Down East Alers (DEA) from Greenville NC.
For a complete list of winners and sponsors, go to
The following provided venues for the competition:
- Castleburg Brewery
- Tabol Brewing
- The Answer Brewpub
- Ardent Craft Ales Barrel Room
- Richmond Volleyball Club
Medals were custom designed by Carrie it Home RVA
The Bloatarian Brewing League hosted it’s 35th Annual Beer & Sweat Keg–Only competition on August 19th. 89 kegs were entered and after the judges did their thing – many for the first time judging electronically using the Beer Awards Platform — a Kolsch was proclaimed as BEST OF SHOW, with an American Pale Ale as runner up. Congrats to Keith Kost for his “KostKolsch”, and Metts Potter for his “Adventure Chicken APA”. Winners can be found here:
We also want to send out our congrats to Metts for taking a gold at NHC in June with his “Iceberg” Koslch, and for nearly taking Brewer of the Year at Indy Brewers Cup with 5 medals in July!
Here’s an update from the Cincinnati Malt Infusers. We continue to flourish under the strong leadership of our President Chris Wagner.
This year, the Malt Infusers held another successful All American Homebrew Competition in February in conjunction with the Cincy Beer Fest. The entries in our competition are limited by the number of judges who volunteer. To that end, Nationally Ranked Judges Rick Franckhauser and Will Magnuszewski lead our BJCP class each month to increase our knowledge and judge rank to assist in judging local and regional competitions.
Program Director Matt Barczewski has filled each monthly meeting with a commercial calibration of homebrew and a program covering everything from evaluating beer styles, meads, sampling malt teas, and competing in club only competitions. He continued his 2nd Fantasy Beer Draft where over a dozen brewers drafted base malt, adjuncts, hops, yeast, process requirements and, this year, a commercial cereal brand (Wheaties, Cheerios, etc.) that had to be used in the beer. Tasting and evaluations are set for the September 2023 meeting.
We are currently working toward our second homebrew competition this year, under the leadership of our Competition Director Joe Kulesa, on Oktobersbest on October 14, 2023. We hope to increase the number of entries to over 200, based upon judges’ availability. Joe’s group also has begun evaluating digital judging software with the goal of increasing depth of the beer evaluation and increasing the efficiency of reporting and scoring.
Our Barrel Project continues with the assistance of MadTree Brewing. This year we put 55 gallons from 11 different brewers of English Barleywine into a local distillery’s bourbon barrel stored at MadTree. We hope to sample and divide the beer in time for the holidays.
Finally, the Malt Infusers have begun to explore projects with other local homebrew clubs. In an attempt to explore cross pollination, we are considering a “Ryder Cup type” competition where members from 2 or more clubs compete in specific categories, then everyone joins for a cookout with families and friends.
Mark Hibberd
Since my last update in March, we’ve had 7 Australian judges attain National rank. These have already been announced but I’d like to add my congratulations to Andrew Lewis, Anthony Ween, and David Gilks (Canberra Brewers), Alex Taubert and Carl Legros (Central Queensland Craft Brewers), Cam Eldridge (Merri Mashers), and David Tetley (ESB club). This more than doubles the number of National Beer judges in Australia to 12. And the total in the Asia-Pacific Region to about 20.
Some of these have already become active graders, helping to bring down the waiting time for exam results – thank you. If you are a National level judge, you can sign up to become an exam grader by doing the online grader training course
I’d also like to welcome the 100 new judges who have passed their tasting exams during the past year. BJCP activity in the region remains strong with many exams and competitions. I have had the pleasure of being invited to proctor at a number of these. It’s always inspiring to see the enthusiasm and taste the great beers being brewed by those on the journey to becoming BJCP judges or to upgrading their rank.
International mailings of pins have been on hold for some time. As an interim measure, I recently organised a test bulk shipment, which I was able to distribute to judges within Australia and New Zealand. There are still many judges waiting for their pins and plans are in hand to restart international mailings soon. In the meantime, you can still order name badges through the member portal
There are upcoming Beer Tasting Exams scheduled in Hong Kong and Australia as well as Beer Written Exams in New Zealand and Australia. If you’re interested in sitting the Written exam on one of the quarterly dates but don’t see a local venue, contact me at [email protected] and I’ll see what I can do to help you out.
Cheers, Mark
Gail Milburn
Hello from the North Region! After a very fast and busy summer, here we are in September already. Of course, I am starting to search out Festbiers and many of you might be ready to find those Autumn Seasonal beers. Reflecting on the busy late spring and early summer, our region hosted the Great Lakes International Cider and Perry competition (GLINTCAP) in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the Prairie Beer Awards in Regina, Saskatkewan. The Michigan Beer Cup was also held in June with the awards presentation at the annual homebrew club camping beer bash Michigan Homebrew Festival in August. Big congratulations to the Keepers of Craft homebrew club from Kalamazoo, Michigan for taking the big awards there including Jason Glatz for BOS Beer and Brian Stephens for BOS Mead/Cider.
I was very pleased to see so many North Region members at HomebrewCon 2023 in San Diego in June. We had many regional members judging, stewarding, and otherwise helping with the National Homebrew Competition. After seeing a return to the First Round and Finals two-step NHC for 2023, we are awaiting confirmation on the format for 2024. We do know that for 2024, there will be some transitioning with HomebrewCon to partner with GABF in some fashion and be held in September 2024 in Denver. As co-chair of the AHA Competition Sub-Committee, know that there is a hard push to continue with the First Round and Finals format! We will update you as soon as we get confirmation on the timing and format of that huge competition.
North Region Assistant Representative Dave Cole continues to actively judge in Saskatchewan and Alberta, among other competitions and is preparing to judge at GABF this month. Huge congratulations to him on his wedding which unfortunately impacted his ability to attend HomebrewCon. He was missed! Dave also continues to explore and advocate for the inclusion of Canadian Spruce Beer as a recognized style in the BJCP Guidelines. He was able to get a variety of excellent examples of the style to stakeholders in the continuing development of the Guidelines.
The Region has a number of exams and competitions coming up this next quarter, including the Michigan Mead Cup on October 14. I will be proctoring and judging; I hope to see you soon! I am also continuing to seek out active BJCP members in Alaska to help me spread the word about the good things happening in that area; contact me through the north_rep at I’d love to hear from you!
Brian Cooper
I want to take this opportunity to thank our region’s membership for trusting me to continue to serve as West Regional Representative, after running for another term, unopposed. I do my best to listen to all of our members’ input, and will continue to strongly advocate for your needs. I am also remaining on as Treasurer, and I enjoy working closely with our Finance Director, Al Boyce, to ensure that BJCP finances are handled wisely, and all the bills are paid.
Competition activity continues to be strong in the West; I’ve enjoyed getting out to judge many of the comps that I normally assist with, as well as some new ones. Earlier this year, I traveled to judge NHC regionals in Seattle, and sincerely appreciated the hospitality of head judge Mike Brennan. The camaraderie with Mike and other judges and staff there was quite enjoyable. It was also great judging NHC finals in San Diego this June, and participating in a fun and lively Conference there. It was excellent to meet some of our newest reps and mingle with other BJCP officers, members, and various brewers at HomebrewCon. I also felt quite honored to be able to proctor the Mead Exam that was offered there.
Exams around the West region continue at a good pace. I administered an exam in early June, and I will continue to assist and give exams as need dictates. I particularly watch for interest in the Bay Area to bubble up, and am always happy to welcome new judges to the fold. I’ve been encouraged to hear that examinees are getting results back more quickly than had been the case for the past year or two, and I appreciate the work of our officers and Exams team to help alleviate the bottleneck and issues as exam activity surged, following the 2020-2021 slowdown. I am hoping we’ll see things continue to improve from here, and will always advocate for giving our Exams directorate what they need.
I am thankful for all of my Assistant Reps for their service as well. I especially want to thank our Nevada-based Assistant Representative, John Tull, for his long-time support there. John has made the decision to step down from this role, after 3 years in the job. But I know he will continue to serve the program well in an unofficial capacity — his support and insights will still be counted on. However, I will also be making efforts to confer with others from NV, to ensure all judges there get the support they need, and to interface with the people who are driving the activity there.
My remaining 3 assistant reps will be staying on in their roles — my sincere thanks to Oleg Shpyrko from San Diego, Jeff Koehler from Los Angeles, and Cindy Goldstein from Hawaii (Oahu) for continuing to serve. Also, our hearts go out to judging friends on Maui affected by the devastating fire that destroyed much of Lahaina, including the Koholā Brewery and a Waikiki Brewing brew pub — we offer our sincerest sympathy and support, in the face of all that has been lost there.
To all judges in our region, please know that you can count on me whenever you need support.
Sandy Cockerham

Dennis Mitchell
No updates at this time
Sal Mortillaro II
No updates at this time
Latin America
James Foster
No updates at this time