Finance Committee Updates
Jeff Sanders, Assistant Communication Director
The Finance Committee is assisting with efforts that impact the BJCP's finances
Siebel Sensory Tasting Kit New incentives for graders
At a Glance
  • The Finance Committee is working with the BJCP Board on a proposal that would recruit and motivate eligible graders to participate in grading
April 2014 included several financial matters that the BJCP elected to address, including updates to the Written Exam fee and a new pricing structure for Siebel Kits.
Recently Mountain / NorthWest Region Representative proposed a Grader Incentive proposal, whereby funds would be allocated to recruit and motivate graders to participate in grading. The intent of this proposal is to provide a reward that benefits the judge, the BJCP, and AHA. The BJCP Board is approved this proposal, voted on it and the motion passed. The Finance Committee remained actively involved in determining how the implementation of the new incentives for graders impact the BJCP legally and financially, including impact to tax status and impact to the BJCP's treasury.
The Finance Committee will also be preparing an Annual Report upon the closure of 2015 detailing the BJCP's finances. The report, once reviewed by the Board, will be made available for download on the BJCP's web site.